Important Profit and Loss Problem Shortcut Tricks Bank PO SSC Railway Exam Type-7

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Last updated on March 21st, 2018 at 05:07 pm

Shortcut Tricks of Profit and Loss Problem for Bank PO SSC Railway Exam Type-7

In Profit And Loss Type-7, I am going to discuss some important Shortcut Tricks of Profit And Loss problem with solution For Bank PO, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Railway Exam.The common and frequently asked question and Shortcut Tricks of Profit and Loss problem with a solution for Bank PO, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Railway Exam Type-7.

For Example:

(Q1)Successive discounts of 30% and 20% are equivalent to a single discount of.


shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem

=44% Ans.

(Q2)A single discount equivalent to the successive discounts of 10%, 20%, and 25% is.


shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem



shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem

=46% Ans.

(Q3)The difference between successive discounts of 40% followed by 30% and 45% followed by 20% on the marked price of an article is Rs 12. The marked price of the article is.


shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem


shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem


Let M.P=100x


According to the question


 so, x=6

∴ M.P=100x=100×6

=Rs 600 Ans.

(Q4)The marked price of an article is Rs 500. It is sold at successive discounts of 20% and 10%. The selling price of the article is.


shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem




⇒  500×(72/100)=S.P

∴  S.P=Rs 360 Ans.

(Q5)A trader allows two successive discounts of 30% and 15% on selling an article. If he gets Rs 476 for that article, Find its marked price.


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shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem


⇒ 100x×(59.5/100)=476


∴ M.P=100x=100×(476/59.5)

=Rs 800 Ans.

(Q6)The difference between a discount of 30% on Rs 2000 and two successive discounts of 25% and 5% on the same amount is.



                  = Rs 600

shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem




                  = Rs 575

∴ Difference=Rs(600-575)

                        = Rs 25 Ans.

(Q7)A dealer buys a car listed at 200000 at successive discounts of 10% and 5%. If he sells the car for 179550, then his profit percent is.


shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem


[Concept: suppose dealer company से कार खरीदता है| company car का marked price 2००००० रखता है or company car पर two successive discounts दे रहा है 10% and 5%. इससे company का selling price निकाल लेंगे, company का जो selling price होगा वह dealer का cost price होगा|]

shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem



S.P=Rs 171000

C.P of dealer=Rs 171000

S.P of dealer(Given)=Rs 179550


         =Rs 8550

% profit=(8550×100)/171000

               =5% Ans

(Q8)A dealer buys a table listed at Rs 1500 and gets successive discounts of 20% and 10%. He spends Rs 20 on transportation and sells it at a profit of 20%. Find the selling price of the table.


shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem


[Concept: suppose dealer company से Table खरीदता है| company Table का marked price 1500 रखता है or company Table पर two successive discounts दे रहा है 20% and 10%. इससे company का selling price निकाल लेंगे, company का जो selling price होगा वह dealer का cost price होगा|]

shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem



S.P=Rs 1080

C.P of dealer=Rs 1080

Total C.P of dealer=Rs(1080+20)

    =Rs 1100

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S.P=Rs 1320 Ans.

(Q9)The marked price of a watch is 1600. The shopkeeper gives successive discounts of 10% and x% to the customer. If the customer pays Rs 1224 for the watch. The value of x.


shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem



S.P=Rs 1440


(S.P after x% discount)

shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem

[Concept:C.P of customer=1224 i.e S.P of shopkeeper]



x=15% Ans.

(Q10)A bicycle marked at Rs 2000 is sold with two successive discount of 20% and 10%. An additional discount of 5% is offered for cash payment. The selling price of the bicycle at cash payment is.


shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem



shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem


shortcut tricks of profit and loss problem



∴ S.P=Rs 1368 Ans.

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Profit and Loss Problem Shortcut Tricks Type-5

Profit and Loss Problem Shortcut Tricks Type-6

Shortcut Tricks of Profit and Loss problem with a solution for Bank PO, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Railway Exam Type-6.In this type, I have already shared a Shortcut Tricks of Profit and Loss problem with a solution, Basic concept, and frequently asked a question if you have not read that yet, you should read it the right way here is the link.

If you have any queries regarding this topic feel free to ask me in the comments below.

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