Profit and Loss Questions with solution For SSC Exams Type-6

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Last updated on April 16th, 2018 at 08:37 pm

Profit and Loss Questions Shortcut Tricks for Bank PO SSC Railway Exam Type-6

Dear Readers,Today we are going to discuss a most important topic Profit and Loss Part-6. In this topic we are providing you Proft and Loss Questions, concepts and shortcut tricks in Hindi and English which are usually asked in SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, Railway exam.In this post we have discussed a most important Proft and Loss questions which are previously asked in SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO exam. These Proft and Loss questions, concept and Shortcut tricks will be very helpful for your upcoming SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO exam.

Also read my previous posts on:-

Profit and Loss Part-5

Profit and Loss Part-4

(Q1)A person sells an article at a profit of 10%. If he had bought it at 10% less and sell it for Rs 3 more he would have gained 25%.(1) Find the cost price (2) Find S.P


profit and loss question





∴ C.P=100x=100×(6/5)

=Rs 120 Ans.


=Rs 132 Ans.

(Q2)A person sold a T.V at a gain of 15 %. Had he bought it for 25% less and sold it for Rs 600 less, he would have made a profit of 32%. The cost price of the T.V was.


profit and loss question







=Rs 3750 Ans.

(Q3)A shopkeeper sold a watch at a loss of 20%. But if he could sell it at Rs 200 more, he could earn a profit of 5%. The cost price of the watch is.


profit and loss question





∴ C.P of watch=100x=100×8

=Rs 800 Ans

The common and frequently asked of Profit and Loss questions with solution and Shortcut Tricks for Bank PO, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Railway Exam Type-6.1.

If a trader professes(Profess-दावा करना) to sell his goods at cost price, but uses false weights, then

profit and loss question

For Example:

(Q1) A shopkeeper sells goods at the cost price but uses 900gms instead of 1 Kg. Find his overall profit or loss percentage.

Solution: BY TRICK:

Error= True Weight – False Weight

= 1000g – 900g=100g

% Profit= (100g × 100)/900g

=11 ¹/9% Ans.


Let C.P of shopkeeper for 1g=Rs 1

C.P of shopkeeper for 1kg ie 1000g=Rs 1000

False C.P of shopkeeper for 900g=Rs 900

profit and loss question

[Note: 1,2 and 3 are Steps]

% Profit=(100×100)/900

=11 ¹/9% Ans.

Concept:[दुकानदार ने आप से कहा कि जिस रेट पर मैंने समान(Goods) खरीदा है उसी रेट पर में आप को समान(Goods) दे रहा हूँ| Means दुकानदार ने यहाँ Rs 1000 में समान खरीदा है और आपको भी Rs 1000 में दे रहा है| लेकिन दुकानदार 1 kg समान(Goods) के बदले सिर्फ आपको 900g समान(Goods)दे रहा है| यहाँ समझने वाली बात यह है कि दुकानदार आपसे 1000g(1Kg) का पैसा लिया that means आप ने दुकानदार को Rs 1000 दिया (So S.P of Shopkeeper=Rs 1000) लेकिन उसने सिर्फ आपको 900g समान(Goods) दिया means दुकानदार ने आपको सिर्फ Rs 900 का समान दिया So, C.P of Shopkeeper=Rs 900. ∴ profit=(S.P-C.P)=Rs(1000-900)=Rs 100]

(Q2)A shopkeeper sells his goods at 20% profit and uses 900gms instead of 1 Kg. Find his overall profit or loss percentage.


Let C.P of shopkeeper for 1g=Rs 1

C.P of shopkeeper for 1kg ie 1000g=Rs 1000

False C.P of shopkeeper for 900g=Rs 900

profit and loss question

% Profit=(300×100)/900

=33 ¹/3% Ans.


C.P=Rs 1000 and Profit=20%


=Rs 1200

(Q3) A shopkeeper marks his good at 20% above the cost price and also allows a discount of 20% but uses 800gms instead of 1Kg. Find overall profit or loss percentage.


Let C.P of shopkeeper for 1g=Rs 1

C.P of shopkeeper for 1kg ie 1000g=Rs 1000

False C.P of shopkeeper for 800g=Rs 800

profit and loss question

% Profit=(160×100)/800

=20% Ans.



=Rs 1200


=Rs 960

Note: Discount always marked price पर calculate किया जाता है or discount के बाद जो price आता है वह selling price होता है|

(Q4) A dealer sells goods at 6% loss but uses 14g instead of 16g. What is his percentage profit or loss?


Let C.P of shopkeeper for 1g=Rs 1

C.P of shopkeeper for 16g=Rs 16

False C.P of shopkeeper for 14g=Rs 14

profit and loss question

% Profit=(1.04×100)/14

=7.42% Ans.

(Q5) A shopkeeper cheats to the extent of 10% while buying as well as selling, by using false weights. His total gain is.


profit and loss question


=21% Ans.

Other Methods:

profit and loss question

=21% Ans.

(Q6)A shopkeeper cheats to the extent of 15% while buying and 20%while selling, by using false weights. His total gain is.


profit and loss question

=38% Ans.

Other methods:

profit and loss question

=38% Ans.

You can also read:-
Profit and Loss Problem Shortcut Tricks Type-7

Profit and Loss Problem Shortcut Tricks Type-4

Profit and Loss questions with the solution and Shortcut Tricks for Bank PO, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Railway Exam Type-5. In this type, I have already shared a Profit and Loss questions with a solution, Shortcut Tricks, Basic concept and frequently asked question if you have not read that yet, you should read it the right way here is the link

If you have any queries regarding this topic feel free to ask me in the comments below.

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  1. Sir ,I want to ask u that ….these tricks and types are enough for po ?
    Sirrplz provide time and work and time and distance tricks as profit n loss


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