One Word Substitution Part-9 asked in various SSC Exams in 2011

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One Word Substitution Part-9 asked in various SSC Exams in 2011(Part-II)

Dear Readers,आज मैं 2011 में विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution Part-9 With Hindi Meaning को share करने जा रहा हूं, जो आपके आने वाले SSC CGL Tier-1 & Tier-2, CPO Pre and Mains, CHSL, etc. Exams के लिए उपयोगी साबित होंगे|अत: आपलोग इसे अच्छी तरह से याद कर ले|इससे पहले मैं 2011 के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution With Hindi Meaning Part-I को share कर चुका हूं| यदि आपलोगों ने अभी तक नहीं पढ़ा है तो इसे पढ़ने के लिए निचे दिए गए Link को Click करे|
One Word Substitution Part-I(2011)
[Note- यदि आपलोगों को Crackteam के द्वारा दिया गया पोस्ट अच्छा लग रहा हो तो इसे ज्यादा से ज्यादा Like And Share करें जिससे दूसरों को भी फायदा हो सके ]

One Word Substitution Part-9 SSC CPO Paper-1(28-8-2011)

(1)Speed of an object in one direction-
(2)The place where public, government or historical records are kept-
(3)Theft of another person’s writings or ideas and passing them off as one’s own
Ans-a(Plagiarism-साहित्यिक चोरी)
(4)The study of insects-
(5)List of issues to be discussed at a meeting-

SSC CPO Paper-2(28-8-2011)

(1)A small room in a big house, hotel, ship etc. where glasses, dishes, spoons, food etc are kept-
Ans-b(pantry-रसोई भंडार)
(2)A foreigner who settles in a country-
(3)Doing something according to one’s own free will
Ans-c(Voluntarily-स्वेच्छा से)
(4)Place that provides refuge-
Ans-d(Asylum-पनाहगाह, आश्रयस्थल)
(5)A person who gambles or bets-
Ans-a(Punter-बाजी लगाने वाला)
(6)Art of writing for newspapers and magazines-
(7)An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody-
Ans-a(Foundling-परित्यक्त शिशु)
(8)Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank-
Ans-c(Hinterland-समुद्र या नदी तट के पीछे का प्रदेश)
(9)A written statement about someone’s character, usually provided by an employer-
Ans-a(Testimonial-प्रमाण पत्र)
(10)One who does not make mistakes-
Ans-c(Infallible-कभी गलती न करने वाला)

SSC Multi-Tasking(Non-Technical)Staff Exam-20-2-2011

(1)One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle differences-
(2)The absence of law and order-
(3)A voice that cannot be heard-
Ans-d(Inaudible-न सुनाई देने वाला)
(4)High sea waves caused by underwater earthquake-
Ans-a(Tsunami-भूकंप तरंग)
(5)To give one’s authority to another-

SSC Multi-Tasking(Non-Technical)Staff Exam-27-2-2011(Morning)

(1)A disease which is spread by direct contact-
(2)The study of ancient civilizations-
Ans-d(Archaeology-पुरातत्व विज्ञान)
(3)An animal story with a moral-
(4)A thing likely to be easily broken-
(5)Body of singers-
Ans-d(Choir-गायक मंडली)

SSC Multi-Tasking(Non-Technical)Staff Exam-27-2-2011(Evening)

(1)Boundary of an area-
(2)A war of religions-
Ans-d(Crusade-धर्म युद्ध)
(3)The Government by the nobility-
(4)To store and stock-
Ans-c(Hoard-जमा करना, इकट्ठा करना)
(5)Study of relations of organisms to one another and to their surrounding-
Ans-b(Ecology-परिस्थिति विज्ञान )
इस Post में मैंने 2011 में विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution Part-9 With Hindi Meaning को share किया हूं|2011 के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution With Hindi Meaning Part-III को पढने के लिए निचे दिए गए Link को Click करे|
One Word Substitution Part-III(2011)
If you have any queries regarding One Word Substitution Part-9 feel free to ask me in the comments below.
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