One Word Substitution Part-8 asked in various SSC Exams in 2011

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One Word Substitution Part-8 asked in various SSC Exams in 2011

Dear Readers,आज मैं 2011 में विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution Part-8 With Hindi Meaning को share करने जा रहा हूं, जो आपके आने वाले SSC CGL Tier-1 & Tier-2, CPO Pre and Mains, CHSL, etc. Exams के लिए उपयोगी साबित होंगे|अत: आपलोग इसे अच्छी तरह से याद कर ले|इससे पहले मैं 2010 के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution With Hindi Meaning को share कर चुका हूं| यदि आपलोगों ने अभी तक नहीं पढ़ा है तो इसे पढ़ने के लिए निचे दिए गए Link को Click करे|
One Word Substitution Part-I(2010)
[Note- यदि आपलोगों को Crackteam के द्वारा दिया गया पोस्ट अच्छा लग रहा हो तो इसे ज्यादा से ज्यादा Like And Share करें जिससे दूसरों को भी फायदा हो सके ]

One Word Substitution Part-8 SSC Tier-1 First Shift(19-6-2011)

(1)Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence
(2)To renounce a high position of authority or control
Ans-d(Abdicate-छोड़ देना, त्याग देना)
(3)Not to be moved by entreaty
Ans-c(Inexorable-निष्ठुर, हठीला)
(4)An object or portion serving as a sample
(5)The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote

SSC Tier-1 Second Shift(19-6-2011)

(1)An inscription on a tomb
Ans-c(Epitaph-स्मृति लेख)
(2)Feeling inside you which tells you what is right and what is wrong-
(3)Release of a prisoner from jail on certain terms and condition-
(4)Loss of memory
(5)To struggle helplessly

SSC Tier-1 First Shift(26-6-2011)

(1)A post with little work but high salary
Ans-c(Sinecure-आराम की नौकरी)
(2)Something that causes death
(3)A person who writes decoratively
(4)Pertaining to cattle
(5)To look at someone in an angry or threatening way
Ans-a(Glower-क्रुद्ध दृष्टि)

SSC Tier-1 Second Shift(26-6-2011)

(1)A person who has no money to pay off his debts
(2)Words uttered impiously about God-
Ans-d(Blasphemy-ईश्वर निंदा)
Ans-c(Prevaricate-छल-कपट करना)
(4)One who compiles a dictionary
Ans-b(Lexicographer-शब्दकोष बनाने वाला)
(5)A test in which cells from diseased organs are removed and tested
Ans-a(Biopsy-जीवोति परीक्षा)

SSC Tier-II Exam(4-9-2011)

(1)To secretly store more than what is allowed-
Ans-a(Hoard-इकठ्ठा करना, जमा करना)
(2)Very dramatic-
(3)A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only resembles-
(4)The process by which a person or an organization reduces the, amount of money it spends
(5)An established principle of practical wisdom-
Ans-b(Maxim-नीति वचन)
इस Post में मैंने 2011 में विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution Part-8 With Hindi Meaning को share किया हूं|2011 के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution With Hindi Meaning को पढने के लिए निचे दिए गए Link को Click करे|
One Word Substitution Part-II(2011)
If you have any queries regarding One Word Substitution Part-8 feel free to ask me in the comments below.
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