One Word Substitution Part-5 asked in various SSC Exams(2008 to 2009)

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One Word Substitution Part-5 asked in various SSC Exams from 2008 to 2009

Dear Readers,आज मैं 2008 से 2009 तक के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution Part-5 With Hindi Meaning को share करने जा रहा हूं, जो आपके आने वाले SSC CGL Tier-1 & Tier-2, CPO Pre and Mains, CHSL, etc. Exams के लिए उपयोगी साबित होंगे|अत: आपलोग इसे अच्छी तरह से याद कर ले|इससे पहले मैं 2007 तक के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution With Hindi Meaning को share कर चुका हूं| यदि आपलोगों ने अभी तक नहीं पढ़ा है तो इसे पढ़ने के लिए निचे दिए गए Link को Click करे|
One Word Substitution(2007)
[Note- यदि आपलोगों को Crackteam के द्वारा दिया गया पोस्ट अच्छा लग रहा हो तो इसे ज्यादा से ज्यादा Like And Share करें जिससे दूसरों को भी फायदा हो सके ]

One Word Substitution asked in Section Officer Commercial Audit-2008

(1)Government by a ruler who has unlimited power-
(a) Despotism
(b) Autocracy
(c) Monarchy
(d) Anarchy
(2)An occasion of great importance-
(a) Exemplary
(b) Momentous
(c) Herculean
(d) Grandiose
(3)A person who is always hopeful and looks upon the brighter side of things-
(a) Florist
(b) Artist
(c) Theist
(d) Optimist
(4)Place of burial-
(a) Cave
(b) Church
(c) Synagogue
(d) Cemetery
Ans-d(Cemetery-कब्रिस्तान, समाधि स्थल)
(5)To have a very high opinion of oneself-
(a) Exaggeration
(b) Adulations
(c) Abundance
(d) Conceited
(6)One who believes in giving equal opportunity to women in all fields-
(a) Fanatic
(b) Misogynist
(c) Philanderer
(d) Feminist
Ans-d(Feminist-नारीवादी(स्त्री के अधिकारों के पक्ष का व्यक्ति)
(7)Inability to sleep-
(a) Hysteria
(b) Insomnia
(c) Aphasia
(d) Amnesia
(8)One who is given to pleasures of the flesh
(a) Terrestrial
(b) Epicurean
(c) Celestial
(d) Pedestrian
Ans-b(Epicurean-भोगवादी, स्वादलोलुप)
(9)A tank where fish or water plants are kept
(a) Aquarium
(b) Sanatorium
(c) Nursery
(d) Aviary
(10)A person who never takes alcoholic drinks
(a) Teetotaller
(b) Alcoholic
(c) Addict
(d) Bagpiper
Ans-a(Teetotaller-पूर्णतया मधत्यागी )

Tax assistant-2008

(1)Belief that God is in everything and that everything is God-
(a) Atheism
(b) Pantheism
(c) Scepticism
(d) Animism
(2)A picture of a person or a thing drawn in such a highly exaggerated manner as to cause laughter-
(a) Cartoon
(b) Cacography
(c) Cartography
(d) Caricature
(3)The state of being miserable bereft of all possessions-
(a) Dependent
(b) Complacent
(c) Destitute
(d) Omnipresent
Ans-c(Destitute-बदहाली, निस्सहाय)
(4)That which cannot be called back-
(a) Irresponsible
(b) Irrevocable
(c) Irredeemable
(d) Incalculable
Ans-b(Irrevocable-अटल, अपरिवर्तनीय)
(5)One who journeys from place to place-
(a) Quack
(b) Cannibal
(c) Itinerant
(d) Courier

DEO(Data Entry Operator)-2008

(1)To feel or express disapproval of something or someone-
Ans-d(Deprecate-अवमानित करना)
(2)Handwriting that cannot be read-
(3)Animals that can live on land and in water-
(4)Easily duped or fooled-
(5)Fear of water-

Tax Assistant-2009

(1)One who breaks the law-
Ans-c(Transgressor-अतिक्रामी, अपराधी)
(2)That which cannot be captured-
(3)Reproducing or memorizing word for word-
(4)Careful in spending of money, time, etc-
Ans-b(Economical-मितव्ययी, किफायती)
(5)Study of insects-
Ans-b(Entomology-कीट विज्ञान)

DEO(Data Entry Operator)-2009

(1)To agree to something-
Ans-b(Assent-सहमत होना)
(2)To keep a great person or event in people’s memory-
Ans-c(Commemorate-आत्मसात करना)
(3)Occurring at irregular intervals in time-
(4)A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude-
Ans-b(Recluse-साधु, संन्यासी)
(5)A lover of books-
Ans-b(Bibliophile-पुस्तक प्रेमी)
इस Post में मैंने 2008 से 2009 तक के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution Part-5 With Hindi Meaning को share किया हूं|2010 के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution With Hindi Meaning को पढने के लिए निचे दिए गए Link को Click करे|
One Word Substitution(2010)
If you have any queries regarding One Word Substitution Part-5 feel free to ask me in the comments below.
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