One Word Substitution Part-28 asked in SSC CPO Exam in 2016

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One Word Substitution Part-28 asked in SSC CPO Exam-2016

Dear Students welcome to one word substitution is one of the important parts of vocabulary. It is asked in various Competitive Examinations such as SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS, FCI etc. According to new Exam pattern In pre-examination 2-3 questions and Mains Examinations 10-12 questions are expected from it. so this part plays a major role in scoring at least a sufficient outcome. Today In this post we are providing one word substitution part-28 which will help you in different Competitive Examinations such as SSC-CGL, SSC-CHSL, CPO, MTS, FCI etc. One Word Substitution Part-28 contains multiple choices one word substitution questions which is previously asked in SSC CGL CPO Exam-2016.

One Word Substitution Part-28 asked in SSC CPO Exam-2016

(1)One who copies from other writers
Ans-c(Plagiarist-साहित्यिक चोर)
(2)The belief that God is in everything, including nature
(3)The study of growing garden plants
(4)Gradually advanced
Ans-d(Evolved-विकसित होना)
(5)Scientific study of Earthquakes
Ans-d(Seismology-भूकंप विज्ञान)
(6)The science of the functioning and growth of socity
(7)A person between 90 and 100 years old-
Ans-c(Nonagenarian-90 से 99 वर्ष के बीच की उम्र का व्यक्ति)
(8)Change the appearance to deceive or to hide the identity-
Ans-c(Disguise-वेश बदलना)
(9)Reasoning method involving two statements from which a conclusion is reached-
Ans-b(Syllogism-न्याय वाक्य)
(10)Those who pass through this gate without permission will be prosecuted-
(d)By passers
Ans-c(Tresspassers-अनाधिकार प्रवेश करने वाला)
(11)Fear of heights
Ans-d(Acrophobia-ऊंचाई का डर)
(12)A person who treats foot related problems-
(13)One who hates people-
Ans-c(Misanthrope-मानवता द्रोही)
(14)A person of great learning in several languages-
(15)A person who loves empty spaces-
(16)To send someone back to his or her own country-
Ans-b(Repatriate-स्वदेश भेजना)
(17)Not clear-
(18)One who does or studies without seriousness-
Ans-a(Dilettante-किसी विषय पर ध्यान केंद्रित न करके उसके साथ खिलवाड़ करने वाला मनुष्य )
(19)Lively or high-spirited-
(20)Make something less severe-
(21)Sudden involuntary muscular contraction-
Ans-b(Spasm-ऐंठन, अतिसंकुचन)
(22)An indirect reference-
(23)A group of islands-
(24)Enigmatic person-
(25)A person who thinks he is ill all the time-
Ans-a(Hypochondriac- रोगभ्रमी)
(26)A place where coins are made-
(27)The act of showing disrespect towards sacred things-
Ans-d(Blasphemy-ईश्वर निंदा)
(28)Art of designing or writing on wax
Ans-b(Cerography-मोम पर खुदाई का काम करना, मोमचित्र)
(29)Usage of an incorrect word in place of the one which is similar in pronunciation-
Ans-b(Malapropism-हास्यापद शब्द प्रयोग)
(30)A labourer involved in loading and unloading ships-
Ans-c(Stevedore-जहाज से माल उतारने चढ़ाने वाला मजदूर अर्थात जहाजीकुली)
(31)An inscription written in the memory of a deceased person-
Ans-d(Epitaph-कब्र पर इंगित शब्द)
(32)A place for grains-
(33)Something that can rot-
(34)The study of election-
Ans-d(Psephology-चुनाव विश्लेषण)
(35)One who has an over exaggerated feeling of being important-
(36)The study of humans, past and present-
Ans-c(Anthropology-मानव शास्त्र)
(37)Something that is full and clearly expressed-

You can also read:

Part-27-One Word Substitution

Part-26-One Word Substitution
So finally I had shared one word substitution part-28. If you practicing these questions will definitely help you in SSC-CGL, SSC-CHSL, CPO, MTS, Food Corporation of India(FCI) etc. Exams so put your hard work with dedication. If you have any queries regarding one word substitution part-28 feel free to ask me in the comments below.
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