One Word Substitution Part-23 asked in SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam in 2013

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One Word Substitution Part-23 asked in SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam-2013

Dear Students welcome to one word substitution is one of the important parts of vocabulary. It is asked in various Competitive Examinations such as SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS, FCI etc. According to new Exam pattern In pre-examination 2-3 questions and Mains Examinations 10-12 questions are expected from it. so this part plays a major role in scoring at least a sufficient outcome. Today In this post we are providing one word substitution part-23 which will help you in different Competitive Examinations such as SSC-CGL, SSC-CHSL, CPO, MTS, FCI etc.One Word Substitution Part-23 contains 36 multiple choices one word substitution questions which is previously asked in SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam-29-09-2013.

One Word Substitution Part-23 asked in SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam-29-9-2013 (SET-1)

(1)A pole or beam used as a temporary support
(2)One who studies the art of gardening
Ans-b(Horticulturist-उद्यान विशेषज्ञ)
(3)A remedy for all diseases
(a)Cough syrup
(4)Fear of closed spaces-
Ans-a(Claustrophobia-संवृत स्थान भीति)
(5)Words written on the tomb of a dead person
Ans-c(Epitaph-व्यक्ति के कब्र पर लिखी हुई बात)
(6)A handwriting that cannot be read
Ans-a(Illegible-जिसे पढ़ पाना मुश्किल हो, अपठनीय)
(7)The line when the land and sky seems to meet
(b)Milky way
(d)Distant land
(8)A list of passengers and luggage
(c)Wire puller
Ans-a(Waybill-समान सूची और निर्देशिका)
(9)A person difficult to please
(10)A decorative handwriting
Ans-a(Calligraphy-सुंदर लिखावट)
(11)That which cannot be defeated
(12)Study of the nature of God
Ans-b(Theology-अध्यात्मविद्या, ईश्वर मीमांस)

One Word Substitution Part-23 asked in SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam-29-9-2013 (SET-2)

(1)A medicine to nullify the effect of posion-
Ans-b(Antidote-विषनाशक औषधि)
(2)An assembly of worshippers-
Ans-d(Congregation-धार्मिक सभा)
(3)A short story based on your personal experience-
Ans-b(Anecdote-लघु कथा)
(4)A former student of a school, college or university-
Ans-d(Alumnus-भूतपूर्व छात्र)
(5)A building in which aircraft are housed-
Ans-d(Hangar-हवाई जहाज रखने का स्थाल, विमानशाला)
(6)Detailed plan of journey
Ans-d(Itinerary-यात्रा विवरण)
(7)Incapable of being approached-
(8)One who is neither intelligent nor dull-
Ans-d(Mediocre-औसत दर्जे का, मध्यम)
(9)One who lends money at a very high interest-
(10)One who takes care of a building-
(11)One who lives/survives on others/other lives-
(12)A person who lives by himself-

One Word Substitution Part-23 asked in SSC CGL Tier-2 2013 Re-Exam-21-9-2014

(1)Study of the interaction of people with their environment
Ans-a(Ecology-पर्यावरण विज्ञान)
(2)A list of explanations of rare, technical or obsolete words
(3)Underground place for storing wine or other provisions
(4)Free somebody from blame or guilt
Ans-c(Exonerate-दोष मुक्त घोषित करना)
(5)One who plays for pleasure rather than as a profession
(6)One who does something for the first time
Ans-d(Pioneer-पथप्रदर्शक और अगुआ)
(7)A government run by officials
(8)That which can be drunk
(9)One who is neither intelligent nor dull
Ans-d(Mediocre-औसत दर्जे का, मध्यम)
(10)Person leading a life of strict self-discipline
Ans-d(Ascetic-संयमी, सन्यासी)
(11)A person who loves everybody
(12)A small village or a group of houses

You can also read:

Part-21-One Word Substitution

Part-22-One Word Substitution
So finally I had shared one-word substitution part-23. If you practicing these questions will definitely help you in SSC-CGL, SSC-CHSL, CPO, MTS, Food Corporation of India(FCI) etc. Exams so put your hard work with dedication. If you have any queries regarding one-word substitution part-23 feel free to ask me in the comments below.
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