One Word Substitution Part-20 asked in SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam in 2013

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Last updated on March 25th, 2018 at 11:17 am

One Word Substitution Part-20 asked in SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam-2013(Part-I)

Dear Students welcome to one word substitution is one of the important parts of vocabulary. It is asked in various Competitive Examinations such as SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS, FCI etc. According to new Exam pattern In pre-examination 2-3 questions and Mains Examinations, 10-12 questions are expected from it. so this part plays a major role in scoring at least a sufficient outcome.
Today In this post we are providing one word substitution part-20 which will help you in different Competitive Examinations such as SSC-CGL, SSC-CHSL, CPO, MTS, FCI etc.One Word Substitution Part-20 contains 28 multiple choices one word substitution questions which are previously asked in SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam-21-04-2013.

SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam-19-5-2013 Morning shift(SET-1)

(1)A person of obscure position who has gained wealth-
Ans-c(Parvenu-नौदौलत, असंस्कृत धनी व्यक्ति)
(2)To reduce to nothing-
(3)An obviously true or hackneyed statement-
Ans-a(Truism-स्वत: सिद्ध, सामान्य सत्य)
(4)Words inscribed on a tomb-
Ans-b(Epitaph-व्यक्ति के कब्र पर लिखी हुई बात, समाधि-लेख)
(5)The act of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen-
Ans-b(Calligraphy-सुंदर लिखावट)
(6)A word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase-
Ans-a(Acronym-प्रथमाक्षरी नाम)
(7)A study of sounds is known as-
Ans-d(Phonetics-उच्चारण का विज्ञान, ध्वनि का विज्ञान)

SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam-19-5-2013 Morning shift(SET-2)

(1)More like a woman than a man in manners and habits
Ans-b(Effeminate-औरताना गुण)
(2)Handwriting which is difficult or impossible to read
(3)To play the part of, and function as, some other person
Ans-c(Impersonate-रूप धारण करना, अभिनय करना)
(4)Not easily pleased by anything
(5)To die without having made a will
(6)One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself
(7)Murder of a brother
Ans-a(Fratricide-भ्रातृ हत्या)

SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam-19-5-2013 Evening shift(SET-1)

(1)A place where birds are kept-
(2)That which has a double meaning-
Ans-d(Ambiguous-दो अर्थोंवाला)
(3)Incapable of making errors-
Ans-a(Infallible-जो गलती ना करें)
(4)Governed by a sense of duty
(5)The depository where state records and documents are preserved-
(6)That which is no longer fashionable or in use-
Ans-c(Obsolete-पुराना, अब प्रयोग में नहीं )
(7)Murder of a king-
Ans-c(Regicide-राजा की हत्या)

SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam-19-5-2013 Evening shift(SET-2)

(1)Science of human mind and behaviour-
(2)A set of three related works by the same author
Ans-b(Trilogy-रचनात्रय(तीन रचनाएं जो एक दूसरे से जुड़ी हो))
(3)The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets-
(4)Having juicy or fleshy and thick tissues
(5)One who accepts pleasure and pain equally
(6)One who thinks or speaks too much of himself
(7)An exact-copy of handwriting or a picture produced by a machine
(d)None of these
Ans-b(Facsimile-ठीक सदृश्य)
You can also read:
One Word Substitution Part-I Tier-1(2013)
One Word Substitution Part-I Tier-I(RE-Exam-2013)
So finally I had shared one word substitution part-20. If you practicing these questions will definitely help you in SSC-CGL, SSC-CHSL, CPO, MTS, Food Corporation of India(FCI) etc. Exams so put your hard work with dedication. If you have any queries regarding one word substitution part-20 feel free to ask me in the comments below.
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