One Word Substitution Part-2 asked in various SSC Exams(2004 to 2005)

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One Word Substitution Part-2 asked in various SSC Exams from 2004 to 2005

Dear Readers,आज मैं 2004 से 2005 तक के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution Part-2 With Hindi Meaning को share करने जा रहा हूं, जो आपके आने वाले SSC CGL Tier-1 & Tier-2, CPO Pre and Mains, CHSL, etc. Exams के लिए उपयोगी साबित होंगे|अत: आपलोग इसे अच्छी तरह से याद कर ले|इससे पहले मैं 1997 से 2003 तक के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution Part-1 With Hindi Meaning को share कर चुका हूं| यदि आपलोगों ने अभी तक नहीं पढ़ा है तो इसे पढ़ने के लिए निचे दिए गए Link को Click करे|
One Word Substitution Part-1(1997 से 2003)
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One Word Substitution Part-2 asked in TA(IT & CE)-2004

(1)That which lasts for a short time-
(a) Regular
(b) Transitory
(c) Rotatory
(d) Repository
(2)Ready to believe anything-
(a) Credible
(b) Incredible
(c) Credulous
(d) Incredulous
Ans-c(Credulous-सहज विश्वासी/विश्वासशील)
(3)A four footed animal-
(a) Tetraped
(b) Quadruped
(c) Polyped
(d) Double-paired
(4)A person who believes in the total abolition of war-
(a) Socialist
(b) Communist
(c) Fascist
(d) Pacifist
(5)Constant efforts to achieve something-
(a) Patience
(b) Vigour
(c) Attempt
(d) perseverance

SO Audit-2005

(1)One who collects coins-
(a) Archaeologist
(b) Numismatist
(c) Philatelist
(d) Connoisseur
(2)A system of Government in which only one political party is allowed to function-
(a) Oligarchy
(b) Dictatorship
(c) Totalitarianism
(d) Theocracy
Ans-c(Totalitarianism-सर्वसत्तावाद, निरंकुशतावाद)
(3)Customs and habits of a particular group-
(a) Mores
(b) Traditions
(c) Rites
(d) Rituals
(4)A body of persons appointed to hear evidence and give their verdict in trials-
(a) Association
(b) Council
(c) Bar
(d) Jury
(5)Indifference to pleasure or pain-
(a) Perseverance
(b) Tolerance
(c) Stoicism
(d) Reticence

TA(IT & CE)-2005

(1)Too much official formality-
(2)Dry weather with no rainfall-
(3)A place where government/public records are kept-
(4)A government in which all religions are honoured-
(5)Living together of a man and woman without being married to each other(live in relationship)-
Ans-d(Concubinage-बेविवाति साथ रहना, उपपत्नी-सहवास)

Statistical Invigilator-2005

(1)Concluding part of a literary work-
(a) Epilogue
(b) Bibliography
(c) Soliloquy
(d) Episode
Ans-a(Epilogue-नाटक के बाद का भाषण)
(2)One who is beyond reform-
(a) Optimistic
(b) Incorrigible
(c) Indefatigable
(d) Notorious
Ans-b(Incorrigible-जो सुधारा नही जा सकते)
(3)Science of diseases-
(a) Philology
(b) Pathology
(c) Psychology
(d) Virology
Ans-b(Pathology-विकृति विज्ञान, रोगशास्त्र)
(4)One who secretly listens to the talk of others-
(a) Spy
(b) Detective
(c) Emissary
(d) Eavesdropper
Ans-d(Eavesdropper-छिपकर बातें सुननेवाला)
(5)One who believes in no, government and therefore incites disorder in a State-
(a) Monarchist
(b) Anarchist
(c) Autocrat
(d) Naxalite
(6)A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one-
(a) Euphemism
(b) Truism
(c) Favouritism
(d) Altruism
Ans-a(Euphemism-आडंबर शैली)
(7)The murder of parent or a near relative-
(a) Patricide
(b) Parricide
(c) Matricide
(d) Homicide
Ans-b(Parricide-पितृहत्या/माँ व पिता का हत्यारा)
(8)Animals who live in herds-
(a) Sociable
(b) Gregarious
(c) Carnivorous
(d) Social
Ans-b(Gregarious-समूह में रहने वाला)
(9)A broad road bordered with trees- 
Ans-b(Boulevard-मुख्य मार्ग)
(10)Violation of something holy or sacred-
(a) Profanity
(b) Sedition
(c) Sacrilege
(d) Slander
Ans-c(Sacrilege-पवित्रता भंग करना)

Section Officer Commercial Audit-2005

(1)The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs-
(a) Theocracy
(b) Theosophy
(c) Theology
(d) Theism
Ans-c(Theology-आध्यात्मविद्या, धर्मशास्त्र)
(2)Dissection of a dead body to find the cause of death-
(a) Biopsy
(b) Investigation
(c) Surgery
(d) Autopsy
Ans-d(Autopsy-शव परीक्षा)
(3)A person without training or experience in a skill or subject-
(a) Chaplin
(b) Mason
(c) Artisan
(d) Novice
(4)One who stays away from school with permission-
(a) Pedant
(b) Supplicant
(c) Mendicant
(d) Truant
Ans-d(Truant-गैर हाजिर रहने वाला )
(5)The act of killing a whole group of people, especially a whole race-
(a) Patricide
(b) Matricide
(c) Parricide
(d) Genocide
Ans-d(Genocide-जन संहार )
(6)A place where Jews worship according to their religion-
(a) Cathedral
(b) Synagogue
(c) Chapel
(d) Demagogue
Ans-b(Synagogue-यहूदी उपासनागृह)
(7)One who is greedy-
(a) Voracious
(b) Avaricious
(c) Carnivorous
(d) Omnivorous
Ans-a(Voracious-लालची, पेटू)
(8)An area of land that is controlled by a ruler-
(a) Colony
(b) Dominion
(c) Country
(d) Municipality
Ans-b(Dominion-प्रभुत्व, स्वतंत्र उपनिवेश)
(9)Simple, fast-spreading plant without flowers or leaves, which can often cause disease-
(a) Bacteria
(b) Amoeba
(c) Virus
(d) Fungus
(10)One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain-
(a) Stoic
(b) Stylist
(c) Cynic
(d) Psychic
इस Post में मैंने 2004 से 2005 तक के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution Part-2 With Hindi Meaning को share किया हूं|2006 के विभिन्न SSC Exams में पूछे गए One Word Substitution With Hindi Meaning को पढने के लिए निचे दिए गए Link को Click करे|
One Word Substitution(2006)
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