One Word Substitution Part-2 With Hindi Meaning For Competitive Exams

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Dear Readers,आज हमलोग One Word Substitution beginning with “A” से विभिन्न परीक्षाओं में पूछे गए One Word Substitution Part-2 पढ़ने जा रहे हैं | One Word Substitution SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO Exams के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि Tier-1 में इससे 3 Questions जबकि Tier-2 में 9 से 10 Questions पूछे जाते हैं |इससे पहले हमलोग One Word Substitution Part-1 पढ़ चुके है यदि आपलोगों ने अभी तक इसे नहीं पढ़ा है तो पहले इसे अवश्य पढ़ें|
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 One Word Substitution Part-2 

(1)One not concerned with right or wrong-
Ans-c(Amoral-अनैतिक/दुराचारी )
(2)One who has become dependent on something or drugs is-
(3)Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses and therefore not definite-
Ans-b(ambiguous-दो अर्थोंवाला)
(4)A building where an audience sits-
(5)One who believes in no, government and therefore incites disorder in a State-
(6)A place where government/public records are kept-
(7)A place where arms and weapons are stored-
(8)Animals living in water-
(9)A person who helps another to commit a crime-
(10)A story in which animals or objects speak and give wholesome moral lesson
Ans-d(Allegory-नीति कथा )
(11)A person who agrees to work for somebody in order to learn a skill-
(12)A study of ancient things-
Ans-a(Archaeology-पुरातत्व विज्ञान)
(13)A person extremely desirous of money-
(14)A person who loves everybody-
(15)One who makes an official examination of accounts-
(a)Chartered Accountant
Ans-b(Auditor-लेखा परीक्षक)
(16)Someone who is designated to hear both sides of a dispute and make a judgement
Ans-d(Arbitrator-न्यायकर्ता )
(17)Strong dislike between two persons-
Ans-c(Antipathy-वैरभाव/द्वेष-भाव )
(18)To free a person by a verdict of ‘not guilty’-
Ans-c(Acquit-दोष मुक्त करना)
(19)To destroy completely-
Ans-b(Annihilate-विनाश करना)
(20)The group, especially in the arts regarded as being the most experimental
(21)To renounce a high position of authority or control-
Ans-a(Abdicate-त्याग देना)
(22)To agree to something-
Ans-b(Assent-सहमत होना)
(23)A former student of a school, college or university-
Ans-a(Alumnus-भूतपूर्व छात्र)
(24)Wildly unreasonable, illogical or ridiculous-
(25)Yearly celebration of a date or an event-

One Word Substitution Part-1
If you have any queries regarding  One Word Substitution Part-2 feel free to ask me in the comments below.
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