Important Age Problem tricks for SSC CGL, CHSL, and other Competitive Exams

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Last updated on June 20th, 2020 at 09:06 am

 Age Problem tricks for SSC CGL, CHSL, and other Competitive Exams

Dear Readers,
Today we are going to discuss an important topic in quantitative aptitude Age Problem. In this topic we will discuss how to solve problems on ages easily, age problem tricks, concepts and some an important questions in English and Hindi. In Exam point of view problems on ages is very common so in this post we have discussed a most important questions which are previously asked in SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO exam. These age related questions, concept and Shortcut tricks will be very helpful for your upcoming SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO exam. Hope you will like age problem tricks and concepts.

Also read my previous posts on:-

Chapter-Ratio and Proportion

Important Age Problem tricks and Concept

Age Problem tricks

If Present age = x years(Given)
Age ago ‘n’ years = (x-n) years
Age after ‘m’ years = (x+m) years
If Age ago ‘n’ years = x years(Given)
Present age = (x+n) years
Age after ‘m’ years = (x+n+m) years
If Age after ‘n’ years = x years(Given)
Present age = (x-n) years
Age ago ‘m’ years = (x-n-m) years

Age Problem tricks, Concepts and Examples Type-1

(1)The ratio of ages of two persons is 4:7 and the age of one of them is greater than that of the other by 30 years. The sum of their ages is
(a)110     (b)100      (c)70      (d)40

Age Problem tricks
3 unit = 30 years
1 unit =30/3 =10 years
Present age of two persons are respectively=40 and 70 years
Sum of their age=40+70=110 years ans.
(2)Two years ago, A was four times as old as B. 8 years hence, A’s age will exceed B’s age by 12 years. The ratio of the present ages of A and B is.
(a)5:1      (b)3:1      (c)4:1      (d)3:2

Age Problem tricks
3 unit = 12 years
1 unit = 4 years
2 years ago, Age of A=16 years
2 years ago, Age of B=4 years
Present age of A=16+2=18 years
Present age of B=4+2=6 years
Ratio = 18/6 =3:1 Ans.
(3)The ratio between Sumit’s and Prakash’s age at present is 2:3. Sumit is 6 years younger than Prakash. The ratio of Sumit’s age to Prakash’s age after 6 years will be.
(a)2:3      (b)1:2       (c)4:3      (d)3:4

Age Problem tricks
1 unit = 6 years
Present age of Sumit’s = 12 years
Present age of Prakash’s = 18 years
After 6 years, age of Sumit’s = (12+6)=18 years
After 6 years, age of Prakash’s = (18+6)=24 years
Ratio=18/24 = 3:4 Ans.
(4)Ratio of Ram’s age to Mohan’s age is 4:3. Ram will 26 years old after 6 years. Then the present age of Mohan is.
(a)18 years      (b)21 years      (c)15 years      (d)24 years

Age Problem tricks
Present age of Ram=26-6=20 years
4 unit=20 Years
1 unit=5 years
Present age of Mohan=3 unit=15 Years Ans.
(5)Raja was twice as old as Ajay 10 years back. How old is Ajay today, if Raja will be 40 years old 10 years hence?
(a)10 years (b)15 years (c)20 years (d)30 years

Age Problem tricks
10 years ago, age of Raja = (40-10-10)=20 years
2 unit = 20 years
1 unit = 10 years
10 years ago, age of Ajay=1 unit =10 years
Present age of Ajay = (10+10)years=20 years Ans.

Age Problem tricks, Concepts and Examples Type-2

(1)The ratio of the age of a father to that of his son is 5:2. If the product of their ages in years is 1000. Then the father’s age after 10 years will be:
(a)50 years    (b)60 years     (c)80 years     (d)100 years

Age Problem tricks
5x × 2x =1000
x2 = 100
x = 10
Present age of father = 50 years
Present age of son = 20 years
After 10 years,
Age of Father = (50+10)Years
                       = 60 Years Ans.
(2)The ratio of the father’s ages to the son’s age is 4:1. The product of their ages is 196. What will be the ratio of their ages after 5 years?
(a)11 : 3     (b)11 : 4      (c)12 : 4     (d)12 : 3


Age Problem tricks Concepts
4x × x =196
x2 = 49
x = 7
Present age of father = 28 years
Present age of son = 7 years
After 5 years,
Age of Father = (28+5)Years
                       = 33 Years
Age of Son = (7+5) years
                   = 12 years
Ratio = 33/12 =11:4 Ans

Age Problem tricks, Concepts and Examples Type-3

(1)At present, the ratio of the age of Maya and Chhaya is 6:5 and fifteen years from now, the ratio will get changed to 9:8. Maya’s present age is.
(a)21 years    (b)24 years    (c)30 years    (d)40 years

age problem tricks concepts
3 unit = 15 years
1 unit = 5 years
so, Present age of Maya’s = 30 years Ans.
(2)Eighteen years ago, the ratio of A’s age to B’s age was 8:13. Their present ratios are 5:7. What is the present age of A?
(a)60 years    (b)70 years    (c)50 years    (d)40 years

age problem tricks concepts
9 unit = 90 years
1 unit = 10 years
So, present age of A = 50 years Ans.
(3)The ratio of present age of two brothers is 1:2 and 5 years back. The ratio was 1:3. what will be the ratio of their age after 5 years?
(a)1:4    (b)2:3    (c)3:5    (d)5:6

age problem tricks concepts
1 unit = 10 years
Present age of both brothers= 10 and 20 years
After 5 years,
Age of 1st brother=10+5=15 years
Age of 2nd brother=20+5=25 years
Ratio=15/25 =3:5 Ans.
(4)At present age of father is three times the age of his son. Four years hence the ratio between the ages of father and son becomes 13:5 respectively. what is the present age of father?
(a)52 years    (b)65 years     (c)48 years     (d)42 years

age problem tricks concepts
2 unit = 32 years
1 unit = 16 years
So, present age of father = 48 years Ans.
(5)The age of man is 4 times that of his son. 5 years ago, the man was nine times as old as his son was at that time. What is present age of the man?
(a)36 years    (b)34 years    (c)28 years    (d)32 years

age problem tricks concepts
5 unit = 40 years
1 unit = 8 years
So, present age of Person = 32 years Ans.

Age Problem tricks, Concepts and Examples Type-4

(1)Harsha is 40 years old and Ritu is 60 years old. How many years ago was the ratio of their ages 3:5?
(a)10 years (b)20 years (c)37 years (d)5 years


age problem tricks concepts
2n = 20
n = 10 years Ans.
(2)The present age of two persons are 36 and 50 years respectively. If after n years the ratio of their age will be 3:4, then the value of n is.
(a)4       (b)7     (c)6      (d)3


age problem tricks concepts
So, n=6 years Ans.

Age Problem tricks, Concepts and Examples Type-5

(1)The ratio of the age of Ram and Rahim 10 years ago was 1:3. The ratio of their age five years hence will be 2:3. Then the ratio of their present age is.
(a)1:2 (b)3:5 (c)3:4 (d)2:5

age problem tricks concepts
3 unit = 15 years
1 unit = 5 years
10 years ago,
Age of Ram= 5 years
Age of Rahim = 15 years
Present age of Ram = 5+10=15 years
Present age of Rahim = 15+10=25 years
Ratio= 15/25 =3:5 Ans.
(2)The Ratio of the ages of a father and his son 10 years hence will be 5:3, while 10 years ago, it was 3:1. The ratio of the age of the son to that of the father today is
(a)1:2    (b)3:1    (c)2:3    (d)2:5

age problem tricks concepts
4 unit = 40 years
1 unit = 10 years
10 years after,
Age of father = 50 years
Age of son = 30 years
Present age of father = 50-10=40 years
Present age of son = 30-10 =20 years
Ratio= 20/40=1:2 Ans.
(3)Three years earlier the father was 7 times as old as his son. Three years hence the father’s age would be four times that of his son. What are the present ages of father and son (in years)?
(a)45, 9    (b)55, 11    (c)45, 11    (d)25, 7

age problem tricks concepts
3 unit = 18 years
1 unit = 6 years
3 years ago,
Age of father and son = 42 and 6 years
Present age of father = 42 +3 = 45 years
Present age of son = 6+3 = 9 years

Age Problem tricks, Concepts and Examples Type-6

(1)The ratio of Ram’s age and Shyam’s age is 3:5 and sum of their ages is 80 years. The ratio of their ages after 10 years will be:
(a)3:5 (b)3:2 (c)2:3 (d)1:2
Sum of present age = 80 years
8 unit(i.e 3+5) = 80 years
1 unit = 10 years
Present age of Ram and Shyam = 30 and 50 years
After 10 years,
Age of Ram = 30+10 = 40 years
Age of Shyam = 50+10 = 60 years
Ratio=40/60 =2:3
(2)Five years ago, the sum of the ages of father and son was 60 years. The ratio of their present ages is 4:1. The present age of the father is:
(a)61 years (b)56 years (c)48 years (d)51 years
Sum of ages ago 5 years = 60 years
Sum of Present age = 60+5+5=70 years
5 unit(i.e 4+1) = 70 years
1 unit = 14 years
So present age of father=56 years
(3)The sum of the age of a father and his son is 100 years now. 5 years ago their age were in the ratio of 2:1. The ratio of the age of father and son after 10 years will be.
(a)5:3     (b)4:3      (c)10:7     (d)3:5

Sum of present age of father and son =100 years
Sum of age ago 5 years = 100-5-5=90 years
3 unit (i.e 2+1)= 90 years
1 unit =30 years
5 years ago, age of father and son=60 and 30 years
difference of time=5+10=15 years
After 10 years
Age of father=60+15=75 years
Age of Son =30+15 45 years
Ratio= 75/45=5:3 Ans
(4)The sum of the ages of a mother and her daughter is 50 years. Also 5 years ago, the mother’s age was 7 times the age of the daughter. What are the present age of the mother and the daughter (in years).
(a)40, 10 (b)36, 9 (c)48, 12 (d)32, 8

age problem tricks concepts
Sum of present age of mother and doughter=50 years
Sum of the age ago 5 years=50-5-5=40 years
8 unit (i.e 7+1)= 40 years
1 unit =5 years
5 years ago,
Age of Mother and daughter=35 and 5 years
Present age of Mother=35+5=40 years
Present age of Daughter=5+5 =10 years
(5)The sum of the ages of a son and father is 56 years after 4 years, the age of the father will be three times that of the son. What is the age of the son?
(a)14 years (b)12 years (c)8 years (d)10 years

age problem tricks concepts
Sum of Present age of son and father=56 years
Sum of age 4 years after = 56+4+4=66 years
4 unit (i.e 3+1)= 64 years
1 unit =16 years
4 years after,
Age of father = 48 years
Age of son = 16 years
Present age of father=48-4=42 years
Present age of son = 16-4=12 years
(6)At present, the sum of the ages of A, B and C is 150 years, whereas 10 years ago, the ratio of their age was 5:4:3. Find the ratio of their ages 10 years hence.
(a)7:5:3 (b)6:9:5 (c)4:3:5 (d)7:6:5
Sum of present age of A, B and C = 150 years
10 years Ago, Sum of age of A, B and C =120 years
12 unit(5+4+3)=120 years
1 unit=10 years
10 years Ago, age of A, B and C=50, 40 and 30 years
Difference of time=10+10=20 years
10 years after,
Age of A = 50+20=70
Age of B = 40+20=60
Age of C = 30+20=50
Ratio=7:6:5 Ans

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Chapter-Profit and loss

So finally I had shared Important Age Problem tricks for Competitive Exams. If you practicing these questions will definitely help you in SSC-CGL, SSC-CHSL, CPO, MTS, Food Corporation of India(FCI) etc. Exams so put your hard work with dedication. If you have any queries regarding Age Problem tricks feel free to ask me in the comments below.
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